Summer is in full swing, and I am sure you are thinking, “What adventures can I plan?” Once you pull the trigger and book that first trip, you need to start packing! What are your must-haves when you travel?
Are you ready for tricks and treats and perhaps a costume party tonight? If you’re lucky, maybe you will also get a fun goodie bag at the end of the night. What do you think are the most popular items to add to an adult Halloween treat bag? 🦇 Candy (duh!) 🦇 Mini bar liquor bottles 🦇 Gift cards 🦇 Personalized Pocket Knives
Personalized Pocket Knives for National Police Week
For some people, there is a love/hate relationship with the police: you love for them to protect your community, but you hate if you are on the other side of the law. This week is National Police Week, which is the perfect time to celebrate these important people who serve the public. Each day they go to work without knowing what the day will hold, but they do know that they will serve and protect above all else. Personalized Pocket Knives engraved with “National Police Week 2023” (or another, more catchy, phrase that you can think up will work too!) are the perfect “thank-you” for these protectors of society.
In the promotional knife business, “personalized” means that each item has the name of the recipient. When you give each of your groomsmen in your wedding personalized pocket knives, you want them “personalized” with each name.
Got tools? If you need a multi-tool, the Gerber Suspension Multi-tool 1471. It has every tool you might need, including scissors and wire cutters. The weight is kept down because of the unique open frame construction.
Thinking of giving something special to your male employees for Christmas this year? Here are 4 reasons for giving them engraved Buck knives with your company logo on the blade.
Buck 110 Folding Hunter Lockback Knife
Mostly American made. Most of the Buck knives are American made. They have always made the model 110, Folding Hunter Lockback Knife, in the USA since it was introduced in 1964. Some of their knives, like the popular
Buck Nobleman Linerlock Knife 327, are imported, but made to the strict standards of Buck.
Brand Name. Everyone knows the name “Buck”, and associates it with quality cutlery. Of all the engraved pocket knives, the name “Buck” is the most recognizable.
Appreciated. A Buck knife gift is appreciated by all your male employees.
Advertising. The special gift will display your logo. It will also last a very long time, and promote your company to everyone who sees the knife in the future.
284CM Buck Camo Knife
The Buck-110-folding-hunter celebrates it’s 50th birthday.
We went on our yearly tour of the Leatherman plant in Portland Oregon this year. It’s amazing how fast this company is growing. They had to increase the production area. To do this, they had to move the shipping department to another building 3 miles away. That new location is rented, and it houses the warehouse of the tools, the shipping area, customer service, and the custom laser engraving area.
Back to the main building, the small Leatherman museum is in the front office
Early Leatherman Prototype2
and open to the public. Here are a few pictures of the prototypes that Tim Leatherman made in his garage during the birth of his brilliant idea.
Early Leatherman Prototype
You know, necessity is the mother of invention. The Leatherman idea started when Tim and his wife toured Europe in the 1970’s, using a used car he bought there. It kept breaking down, and Tim would fix it himself. He really needed some pliers, but didn’t have any. It would have been nice if he had something like a Leatherman tool. Many months later, Tim perfected some prototypes
Early Leatherman Prototype3
in his garage, and started a very successful company. Too bad Gerber Knives turned down his proposal to produce his tools. Too bad for Gerber, but not for Tim.
Here are 2 stories of how a Leatherman tool came to the rescue.
Do you need some gift ideas for Christmas? You have male employees or customers who already have everything? There’s always room for engraved Kershaw knives in your employee’s or client’s pocket or drawer. I’ve never seen a man turn down a gift knife, even if he has a collection of them. Kershaw knives are USA-made, and some are imported. But even the imported ones are done to the specifications and strict guidelines of KAI-USA Kershaw Knives.
Some new models are the Scallion Camo Knife 1620.
Scallion Camo 1620 knife
A new color in the Scallion line is the “Olive”, which replaces the green handle color.
Kershaw Scallion 1620 Olive Color Handle
A favorite knife is the Kershaw “Leek” 1660 CKT in black handle and blade.
Kershaw Leek Knife, Black CKT
More models, like the Shuffle, Ember, and Select Fire are available now, and will be added to the website soon.
They design and manufacture most of their knives in the USA. Their website says “Dedicated to innovation and the highest quality”. The history of Kershaw knives goes back to 1907. Then in 1974, they opened for business in Lake Oswego, Oregon and started their no-hassle, lifetime guarantee. When we visited their offices in 2013, We were impressed with all the high quality knives on display.
Kershaw 1620 Scallion-Blue
All the engraved Kershaw knives on our website are USA-made, because we think that is Kershaw’s strongest selling point.
Features that we like:
Speedsafe: This is the name of their assisted open knives. With one hand, you can easily open these knives. This made quick and easy by the Flipper on the back of the blade tang.
Frame Lock: The frame is made in a way that locks the blade in the open position. There is no chance of the knife folding up on you when you least expect it.
Customized: The Kershaw folding pocket knives can be laser engraved with your corporate logo.