Pop quiz!
Cane You Name 3 Stone Fruits?
Peach, Cherry, Apricot!
Now, to help you slice up these yummy fruits, go and grab your Fruit Knife. Enjoy!

Pop quiz!
Cane You Name 3 Stone Fruits?
Peach, Cherry, Apricot!
Now, to help you slice up these yummy fruits, go and grab your Fruit Knife. Enjoy!
Do you remember the good ol’ days in elementary school when you would celebrate Johnny Appleseed’s birthday? Well today is the day to sit back and reminisce about those grade school parties filled with yummy apple treats. Today is National Johnny Appleseed Day, a day that honors the life of a man who helped spread apple and pear trees throughout the Midwest in the late 1700s.
To help celebrate, grab your Fruit Knife and a juicy apple, and carve something creative!
How many gifts have you checked off your list so far? Are you almost finished with your shopping, or are you a procrastinator and just can’t quite get it in gear yet? If you still need a few ideas, look no further – here is a great idea for those who truly have everything.
A Fruit Knife is a unique yet practical gift for the knife-lovers in your life. Not only can it help them cut a sample from a piece of fruit, it can also help spread the word about your business when you have it imprinted with your company logo.
Happy Holidays!
Are you looking for a new hobby to impress people with? I bet carving fruit with a fruit knife hasn’t crossed your mind! While we admit that you may need some practice before you can truly perfect this technique, it’s definitely worth trying. Get creative and see what you can do! Here are some easy beginner ideas to get you started, and the perfect fruit knife to help you do it:
The easiest decision you will make this whole month will be to simply take our advice: If you order a Fruit Knife, you will not only be able to do this:
. . . But you will also have a super-unique gift to give to your customers. Trust us, we’re experts.
I am sure that you had no idea there was a national holiday dedicated to the somewhat unpopular vegetable: the cabbage. No matter if you think it’s stinky or delicious, today is National Cabbage Day, and let’s celebrate this rotund veggie.
There is one question to that needs to be answered:
Can you use a fruit knife to cut into a vegetable?
The answer to this question can only be found if you try it out yourself.
Before you bite into your delicious apricot today, pause and grab your fruit knife. Use it to slice into your stone fruit and relish in that first yummy bite. Today is National Apricot Day, so take time to savor this petite, unique fruit, and appreciate your wonderful little fruit knife.
Now that spring has finally begun, that means fruit trees all over will begin producing their yummy treats!
A fruit knife is the best way to slice a sliver to do a taste-test while walking around the orchard.
Which fruit will you test first?
How do you plan on celebrating Valentine’s Day this year with your loved one? Will you give them a thoughtful gift or make them a homemade dinner?
I bet they would be even more impressed if you show off these fruit knife tricks.
Which one will you try to master?
It’s fruit trivia time! Which fruit originated in China 4,000 years ago and is a relative of the peach? Your first guess might be the nectarine, right? It is, in fact, the petite and beloved apricot- a fruit rich in vitamins A & C. It made its way slowly westward from China, through the Mediterranean, and finally over to North America, where it mainly settled in California. California produces 95% of our country’s apricots. Yum!
How do you want to enjoy an apricot today?