Exotic Fruits That You May (Or May Not) Need a Fruit Knife For

Fruit Knife for #RootVegetableExoticFruitMonth
Fruit Knife for #RootVegetableExoticFruitMonth

When you hear the word “fruit,” usually the typical names pop to mind: apple, banana, pear, orange, peach, etc. But this month you’ll need to think outside the box, as it is Root Vegetable and Exotic Fruits Month. Have you ever heard (or tasted) any of these?

  • Kumquat
  • Durian
  • Pomelo
  • Mangosteen
  • Chom Chom

You can use a fruit knife to taste-test some of these fruits (although some have a hard outer shell, so you might need something a bit stronger!)

5-3/4" ivory plastic handle fruit/vegetable knife 95-112whs
5-3/4″ ivory plastic handle fruit/vegetable knife 95-112whs

4 3/4" Stainless Fruit/ Vegetable Knife 95-1712ss
4 3/4″ Stainless Fruit/ Vegetable Knife 95-1712ss