Observe National Skilled Trades Day with Logo Knives

Tomorrow, the first Wednesday in May, is National Skilled Trades Day in the US. This is a day set aside to recognize the importance of those who:

Logo Knives would be appreciated by a skilled tradesman
A Buck Squire Lockback would be appreciated by a skilled tradesman
  • Fix the furnace and air conditioning in your office and homes.
  • Paint ceilings, walls, and bridges.
  • Wire your house and the businesses.
  • Build your homes and businesses.
  • Repair aircraft.
  • Fix your cars.
  • Cut your hair.
  • Build the highways.

There are many job openings right now. It is hard to find people who want to work. Tomorrow, you can recognize these important workmen by:

  1. Calling them for assistance instead of doing it yourself.
  2. Thanking them.
  3. Give them a gift, like these useful logo knives. Any tradesman would appreciate a fine American-Made pocket knife.


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